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Addiction is Common

Lately I've been thinking about what it means to be addicted. There's a huge stigma around having an addiction or being an addict. It's as though people believe that being an addict or having an addiction is meant to go unspoken or meant to be looked down upon. The truth is, everyone has an addiction. Think about that for a moment. Everyone has a boiling point. Everyone turns to something when they can't handle what's going on in their life. For me, it was alcohol. Every time life became too hard or too messy, instead of dealing with the problem, I would drown them. My body learned what I was teaching it and began to exacerbate every little life moment in hopes that I would feed the same monster over and over again in the same way. Not good. However, studies have shown the same reaction with cigarettes, drugs, sex, sugar, chocolate, caffeine spending, and even diet and exercise. The point is any and every thing in life is only good in moderation and not meant to be used as a coping mechanism.

Where does that leave us? Everyone is an addict. Everyone is using something inappropriately in their life. I say the people with socially unacceptable addictions are the lucky ones. They have identified their problem and are actively trying to fix it in a world where there is never a short supply of sponsors or accountability partners. All the other addicts hide in the shadows and draw attention to those of us with the louder more pronounced problems. I don't think it's intentional. I just think no one's ever brought it to their attention. They have all the signs we are accustomed to.

1.) Angry or short tempered when they have to go without.
2.) Body has flu like symptoms when it becomes deprived.
3.) Most of these things are bad for your body in excess amounts
4.) People cannot go without it.

It's an interesting thought isn't it? Every person has that one thing inside of them they are constantly fighting with. Some days we win. Some days we lose. The war is constant but many battles are fought. This post has two important realizations.

One, what things in your life could be considered an unhealthy addiction for you? Just because it's not the usual addictions doesn't mean it isn't bad for you or isn't causing harm.

The second, you are not alone. Don't feel like one of the unlucky few with an addictive personality because everyone has it. We just don't share the same addictions.

I think it would be neat if one day a year we all wore t-shirts that were the same color but written on them was each person's addiction. This way, for one day, we could be ourselves and see just how alike we all truly are. Much love my friends. You are not alone and are making huge strides on a path that is the best for you. Keep your chin up and keep going. Until next time. Stay up. Stay you and sober.


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