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Day 23: Poetry in Motion....So Close Your Ears

       Roses are read violets are blue, sugar is sweet, except when you're trying to rhyme with sweet and the only word that comes to mind is beet. Good evening! When I first started this blog I knew, deep down, that I wasn't going to love every activity that I tried. Unfortunately this would be the second that I have begun in the last couple days and am less than enthused with. Don't get me wrong, I love to write, especially if it's from the heart and involves my own experiences. If you follow along with me and do each activity keeping your own journal, then you will find that you may love some things and some you may not have any interest in at all. Think of this as finding your niche or discovering "you" again. When you spend a lot of time focusing on the wrong things you forget the little things you once knew about yourself. 

         So today I became something of a poet again. Funny enough I had forgotten how to write even the simplest of poems. I had to research all of the different ways to write a poem. This included:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
and so are you.

       I'm great with music and the rhythm is what you need to create an excellent poem. Every time I had the rhythm down, as you'll notice, I lost it a couple of times. Poetry is also very soulful in nature and while I am EXTREMELY sensitive and sympathetic I am in no way soulful. I have my occasional deep moments and philosophical thoughts but they are short lived and pass no sooner than they come to me. When I was younger I lived in Austin, Texas, and, had you asked me, I would have told you how deep I was. Knowing now what I didn't then, Coffee Shops, reading books, and listening to angry music, HARDLY make one deep. A testament to the crapiness you are about to indulge in; it only took me 20 minutes, at most, to create both poems. 
       I am not even going to sit here and tell you that I put my all in this. Sitting down to try and write was painful, like pulling teeth, and I found myself pouting at the idea of having to write the second one briefly after the first. The amusing thing is, I used to write poetry all the time! When I was younger it was definitely a favorite pastime. Without further ado I will reveal my pile of poop titled "art" .

You are the most interesting foe.
You cause disgust, excitement, and feelings of woe.
You can’t be stopped and your pace unchanged.
Moments can be forgotten but not rearranged.
Change in lives, appearance, and status;
Brought upon by your meddling prowess.
On you proceed without hope, fear, or cause,
To make all of us spin, work and toil unable to pause.
Eventually your reign will come to an end,
But with it, our demise and no legend.
You see for as much as you are despised,
We can’t exist without you, our existence revised.
You are inevitable and necessary.
Our coexistence with you, momentary. 
For where would we be without time?
Just matter floating along a primordial ooze; a vat of slime.

Here Comes My Sun
Love of all things and now for me I finally owe,
 the peace of mind and end to this chapter.
It’s been a long time coming, “NO MORE To and Fro!”
But it’s time to go from sorrow to laughter.
You’ve taken too much and I have allowed it,
But it’s over! Our connection is finally severed.
A spark, a movement has been created I won’t be idle and sit.
For the chains and affliction, I have carried are no more to be weathered.
The past is best served for your place,
I finally turn to the sun.
I open the curtains and you I erase,
No more with a feeling to run.
I’m making a list,
New choices ahead.
With but the flick of my wrist,
No more needs to be said.

I will venture to say that I shall never be a master poet. My poems will never create a book or be sold for huge profits. I enjoyed it. I did something new and at least I can say that I did not care about what others would think of me or my work of art. 

The Not So Good Parts:
1.) My work was pure unfiltered crap.
2.) Instead of feeling like fun it felt like work.
3.) It was difficult to get into the rhyming rhythm.

The Lighter Side:
1.) It uncovered memories of my high school days.
2.) It was kinda fun trying to write again.
3.) I put in real effort to understand and replicate iambic pentameter.

All in all it's a must try. The only flaw to this activity for me is it's definitely not my niche. I may not ever write poetry for money but I may write another just to have good giggle. Off I go on my next adventure. Still joyful, still sober. Drop a comment of your own poetry. Even though mine isn't the best I still wrote it and shared it. It's not about the quality it's about what you're releasing when you write it.


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