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2 Months!!: Something NEW To Focus On

Hello All! Today is two months and it feels really good! I have a secret for you today...are you ready for this?? If left alone my mind controls my life. Is this you too? You sit on the couch for a few minutes after work. One moment you're detoxing from work by thinking about why your co-workers' panties were all in a bunch and the next thing you know your brain has spiraled into, "My life has no MEEEEEEAAAANNNIIIING *insert uncontrollable sobs here*."

Oh yeah! I'm the queen of depression, anxiety, and ruminating when I am in a closed house in the eerie quiet. I had to find a way to combat this, apart from the previous choices that lead to disaster before. I realized I don't have any goals. I have no life goals, no bucket list items to check off and feel like I am contributing to my life. Today the advice is, if you don't already, Make a List of Goals For Self Growth. I know, I know, easier said than done. Your list doesn't have to change the world or require deep philosophical meaning, although these things are welcome of course. Your list should be things that get you excited to go through your day, things you can work on in your down time. These items on your list might be hobbies, trips, or healthy self-improvement goals both physical and mental. NOW, this being said there are some parameters to follow to make sure your list is productive and not counter-productive.

1)  If choosing self-growth goals your goals should be easily attainable and not self defecating.

This means no goals that require you to lose an unhealthy amount of weight and/or in an unreasonable amount of time. You are beautiful! Wanting to be healthy is super, but losing weight or toning should be done with positive speak and self-care before, during and after. No exceptions. If you are making a searching moral inventory of yourself that you want to work on, please be honest with yourself, but don't be hateful and write opinions about yourself (i.e. stupid, crazy, witch!...etc.). If you want to learn something new you always can! Put taking a class on your list. Every human is different and addiction can make us feel crazy but you are NOT crazy. You're trying to be better and do better. You can work on being obsessive in nature or controlling in nature but my dear, "all the best people are crazy," (Alice in Wonderland). There are ALWAYS better words to use for your qualities that don't have to be condemning in nature or verbally assaulting. Maybe you're anti-social, harsh, judgmental, but calling yourself a bad name is NOT okay.

2) Planning trips should be done to reasonable places, sporadically, and should not affect your job.

This blog is about real people with a budget (me). You don't have to go on trips every other weekend. Planning things can be good for you and it gives you something to look forward to.  Doing anything from antiquing to going to another town for a good dinner and mini-golf is a vacation. Vacations don't have to be extravagant to be worth your time and list. Although, they aren't bad either ;).

3) Practicing better qualities and making monetary goals or making life changing goals is a process and will take time.

If your self growth is positive self speak , please know that this takes time. What you have put in place and established with your body took time. This means undoing it takes time. Be patient and understanding with yourself. Change WILL happen it just takes time. If you have bigger goals like owning a home and having kids this will also develop over time and is circumstantial. Some people are blessed with children, some are blessed in other ways. Don't be defeated if these things aren't in the cards for you. These needs can be fulfilled other ways like being a teacher, day care provider, or moving into a different space than the one you have now so you can save up for a home or simply to get out of debt.

My list I've made:
1) Lose 7 pounds
2) Enjoy the little things
3) Let things go
4) Be honest
5) Visit your long distance friend
6) Bake

I've been working on this list for 5 months. I have accomplished a few things on this list. I have lost 7 pounds and in 5 months. It was gradual but took me finding what worked for my body. Exercise, which does release endorphins and make me happy wasn't shedding the pounds and was hard to keep up with. Especially since going to the gym meant I had to be there at 5:15 am. The next thing I tried was dieting. Calorie counting IS SATAN. Let me tell you, my brain was withering away on a life raft when I tried counting my calories. The migraines were miserable and so was I. This brought me to The Low Carb Diet. This worked perfectly! I could eat as much as I wanted as long as I only ate meat, vegetables, and cheese. This is one that can change your body quickly or slowly. I did it slowly by eliminating carbs a little at a time. If you remove them straight away your body will go into a slump for about two or three days. Some people have called this the Keto flu. Well I ain't got time for the Keto Flu I work to support myself LOL. If you want more information like recipes or a regimen leave a comment.

I have started to enjoy the little things which in turn helps me to not sweat the small stuff. This is ongoing but is becoming easier for me. I am happier more frequently with little effort. I EVEN WAKE UP HAPPY! This is a big deal for those of you that don't know me. How did I achieve this? I prayed every morning. It was my top prayer request. I asked God to remove all of the anger, evil, and negativity within me. You can equivocate this with meditation. Focus everyday on what you want to accomplish. I also have self- affirmations that I say to myself to improve how I feel about myself.   -This is my number one. I used this one every morning and I LOVE it.  - I've tried this one but some things I couldn't get into.
I started requiring myself to say thank you with a reason when people did things for me. I also showed appreciation to someone for something they did that made my life a little easier. For example, when my husband mows the lawn I tell him I appreciate that he does that for me because it makes my day easier. I also thank co-workers when they bring treats for Birthday Fridays. The last thing I am currently doing is recognizing five little things throughout my day that made me smile OR being the reason I made someone else smile.

I am visiting my long distance friend this next week, rain and all! We are so excited to see each other. I will share the pictures and a separate blog about trips!

Honesty is ongoing. I force myself to be honest with other people instead of saying what I think will make them happy or prevent confrontation. THIS DOESN'T MEAN I tell my boss what an idiot they are when I think it or tell people their breath smells when they're too close to me.  Honesty means being able to say when someone has offended me, or standing up for someone when they are not there, or answering someone truthfully but not with the intent to hurt when they ask me a question. In a lot of ways I shrink away from social situations. I've decided my life is too important to hide in the corner. People will either like me for who I am or they won't but I'm going to keep going, shoulders back, head high, and unashamed of the woman I'm becoming. This woman I see ahead of me will be honest and strong.

The pros of this idea are self growth if done right. The cons are to be careful how you treat yourself. Build your list within your means and have fun with this! You can always tweak your list. You should NEVER contort yourself to fit your list :)

Comment some things you have on your list below so we can get some ideas or be encouraged in your progress. Have a great life be Beautiful being YOU.


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