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Healthy Rituals Are Rich Tools

Happy Music Playlist:        

Take some of my list and save it to your own happy song list.

Rituals are important. Staying busy and feeling connected is a part of growing up :) Below are a list of rituals I've begun. Enjoy and feel free to adapt them to your life

1. COFFEE WITH A FRIEND - Have you ever watched the show Friends and wanted a cool hang out spot like they did? I've thought about getting coffee or breakfast in the same spot everyday but then reality sets in and I remember that my bank account can't afford this. Nevertheless this was the next adventure on my list. I had this best friend that was my little ray of sunshine. She would encourage me when I was down, lift me up, spend time with me, and pray for me. We became like sisters up until she moved away to pursue her career as a teacher. I since have been able to be her little ray of sunshine as she goes through her first official year as a teacher. We meet when we can and we have started a ritual of getting coffee together. I love this ritual because we catch up, giggle about old times, and sip our coffee. We feel like no time has passed at all and enjoy each other as we vent to each other and pretend one day we will live in the same town again <3.

2. HAPPY MUSIC MORNING- Every morning I start my day with a happy music playlist I have created on my YouTube channel. (See Above Link)  This playlist gets me pumped for my day and is only happy songs. I realized a while back that all the songs I had on my iPod were sad and depressing. They were about being alone, being heart broken, or getting trashed. I decided to make a new playlist with all uplifting songs. Now, as a routine, I listen to this playlist when I am on my way to work, just cruising, or cleaning my house.

3. SPENDING TIME WITH THE FAM- The third ritual I have enacted is spending time with my family on a regular basis. This means making time for them even though I feel too busy. I make sure to see my mom at least once a week outside of church. I try to make it to every baseball game of my nephew. My sisters and I have a day we meet once a week to spend time together, just us no men. I have dinner with my sister-in-law and I make time for my husband at least twice a week. Spending time with family is the most important thing you can do. It may seem tough especially when you have a large family or you don't feel like you have much in common with your family. I promise, the more time you spend with them, the better it becomes. Family isn't always blood either. This paragraph could be you making time for your friends that are your family. 

4. TAKING LITTLE TRIPS- Staying in your house for long periods of time can be exhausting, and lead to isolation, loneliness, and even depression. I have found that planning and taking small trips help me to stay positive and give me something to look forward to. Notice I put small trips. Big ones can be expensive and this would mean more time in between taking them. Small trips might be going to see family or friends that live out of town. It might mean a camping or fishing trip or just a day trip to the nearest lake where you can rent a boat and go tubing or swimming. Whatever you plan make sure to ask yourself what you think might be fun and do it. If you don't like the place or the activity mark it off of your to do list as something you've tried and aren't keen on the idea of doing it again.

5. MY HAPPY PLANNER/CALENDAR- At Wal-Mart there is a product in the card isle called My Happy Planner. It's a planner that comes with stickers for goals, work, encouragement, holidays, LITERALLY ANYTHING you can think of. Everyday I write things in my calendar with gel pens and add stickers of encouragement based on what's going on that week. I put the trips I have planned, commitments I must attend, scheduled appointments, and work that needs to be done. I love doodling in my little planner or adding me time in the form of nail polish stickers that remind me to get my nails done. This little planner brings me hope and is one of my favorite rituals. It's MY planner. I can decorate it and make it anything I want to. I LOVE IT.

Making new rituals can be a fun and exciting thing. I am already trying to come up with new ones to add to my collection. If you think of any comment them so I and others can try them along with you. As always keep going on your journey and stay strong!


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