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Baking is NOT for the Faint of Heart

You know those memes about basic women with their one dish of Fettuccine Alfredo? Well....that's me. I lure men in with my feminine wiles and one signature dish of Fettuccine Alfredo. By the time they realize I can only cook five things and am not as chill as I pretend to be, they're hooked. Now that I have the title "wife" I feel like this is a HUGE part of my millennial life that needs to be more adulty. I need more than 5 dishes to feel like I've earned this title. So I called my mommy to render aid. You may remember her as the woman who walks into the room and a hundred angel choruses sing because she's the picturesque view of everything perfect. Yes, I called in... the BIG GUNS.

There are three recipes I've been able to learn in the past couple of weeks. Baking was the main priority as I love to bake but I want to venture past cake and brownie mixes from boxes. I've baked banana bread, coffee cake, and Oreo balls. All three have turned out really good and I'm super excited to start on main courses. I think for main courses I'll steal a couple recipes from my mom and other women in my life that I love. I think it might also be fun to take some recipes from the buzzfeedtasty instagram page. 

So...baking and I don't necessarily get along. Let's be clear. I love to bake my little mixes but as far as "from scratch" goes it's been a real pain to get down the finite art to baking. And, let me tell you, it IS an art. So here's what I've learned after making the ingredients, doing it wrong, throwing it away, and getting it right. You have to mix the dry with the dry and the wet with the wet. Creaming means taking a spoon and mashing the shortening, sugar, and salt until you think your arm is going to fall off and then keep going until it looks exactly the same after about five more minutes. Whatever the temp is in a recipe set it for about five lower. No matter the time drop it down ten minutes to make sure it's cooking right and doesn't burn. Some measurements have to be exact and some can be a little more if it's what makes the taste unique. Sifting is simple if you have a sifter but if you don't a fork is your best friend and you have to aerate the ingredient before every scoop. DON'T pack the dry ingredients into the measuring device. Crack farm fresh eggs into a separate bowl. It goes on and on but these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. To be honest the stress of baking was really fun for me. I have an incessant need to be stressed at all times even if that means over nothing or made up tragedies in my life. Having something that requires so much attention to detail makes me feel like my stressed nature is being put to good use.

The Setbacks:
1.) Baking dirties a lot of dishes and utensils
2.) You really need a seasoned baker to teach you
3.) If you don't already have the ingredients you need in the cupboard it can be expensive to start up.

To be a classic baker I wanted to be messy but never realized that would mean dough in my hair and nose. Word to the wise: don't bake during allergy season. I did have to throw away some trials but it was only once and that's because I have perfectionist issues and misread some of the ingredients. FYI a tablespoon of salt is NOT the same as a teaspoon. I cleaned dishes as I went because between all of the bowls for dry, wet, and mixed ingredients and the measuring cups and spoons, and whisk...there were a lot. I could not have done this without my mom. The recipe might have said cream but I had no idea what that meant until I did it. Some recipe books will explain it to you and also talk about the basics of cooking. If you are interested in baking but need a beginners course, I'd look for one like that :). Betty Crocker is always a good option. I love the recipes in there and she has a section that explains everything.

The Worth While Moments:
1.) It felt great to bake something from scratch and it be DERICIOUS!
2.) Baking was filling and a great way to relieve stress
3.) It definitely made me feel like a good wife 💕

I enjoyed the crap out of baking and am thrilled to learn new recipes. I know it might be expensive to go out and buy pots and pans and all of the tools needed to bake or cook but I really recommend doing this as a means to edge closer toward adulthood. One recipe at a time is a good life motto. And hey, even if the food turns out bad you can laugh and say, "Well, that's one recipe I won't have to take time out of my day to cook again!" I'll be writing about Quality family time next but in between then and now, keep going! You are worth every moment of your journey and are doing a great job! Keep being good to yourself and have an awesome day!


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