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Fishing and Recreational Gun Use

Let me start this entry by saying a hard and fast truth about myself. I am a huge, beyond abnormal, weenie. When it comes to animals, people, or even inanimate objects I am completely hypersensitive. So when I tell you that I tried fishing and shooting guns please understand it was catch and release and I fired guns at targets in a shooting range.
Yes!! I went fishing! So let me level with you about this hobby. I used worms and that was...interesting. Putting them on the hook was hard. Worms are squishy and change shape so easy and a small part of me was terrified they would slip into my nail bed and kill me. Okay... I'm being deeply dramatic! But, it was so hard to put them on the hook and not do a shuffling dance every time. I even tried giving the worms a pep talk like, "Okay, I know this isn't fun and I'm really sorry about this but we can do this. NOOOO!! Don't do that (as they wriggle from my hand). You're not being a team player right now Mr. Worm." This had to be the hard part, but catching the fish is really the best part. That adrenaline pump that comes from the sudden tug of your line and the bobber submerging. The idea that your hard patience and struggle with the creature, the hook, the weight, and the bobber to not get tangled and everything coming together through the perfect cast in the perfect position, all brings forth this one little victory of feeling. It makes you feel self reliant like, should the apocalypse come tomorrow, you'd survive on fish. I think from now on I will start fishing with hotdogs because I feel bad for the worms. If you have any ideas for bait that don't involve live creatures please let me know in the comments below.

Shooting guns was next on my list. If you don't already know this, the firing of guns is. Very. Loud. It is thrilling but depending on the type of gun you use hitting the target can be a piece of cake or it can be a ricochet nightmare where it DOESN'T hit the target, or even come close, and the bullet makes that sound you imagined bullets to make as a kid. The best reference I can give is like the guns that were fired in the old bugs bunny cartoons. No joke. I enjoyed shotguns the most. I always hit my target and they pack a punch. It made me feel strong and kinda cool to be able to handle it. It was fun!

The Not So Good Parts:
1) Using worms as bait isn't recommended if you have a soft heart 
2) Catching fish will most likely not happen the first couple times        you go fishing unless you go with a pro. 
3) Guns are a weapon use with care and respect.
I felt really bad for the worms. I let them go free after using like 5 of them (there's 30 in a container). I have gone fishing twice, 5 hours each time, and haven't caught a single fish. They keep eating my bait but I don't snag them at the right time. I still love doing it but if you need that gratification I suggest going with someone who can coach you. If you have never worked with guns before I would say take a safety course or go to a range where they can show you how to use the gun you will be working with.

The Fun Parts:
1) Catching a fish is worth the wait.
2) It's so relaxing fishing
3) Shooting Guns was thrilling, scary, and learning how to use them was satisfying.
Catching that fish made me feel victorious! I was so excited I let all of the worms go free. Not very frugal of me I admit but it seemed like the just thing to do at the time. In the down time of not catching anything I rested, watched the waves cap into our boat and enjoyed my husband's company, his dad, and soaked in the summer sun. I recommend bringing a book, some snacks, and lots of water. I'm an independent strong woman. I'm the type that wants to be able to do anything that a man can do, but better. I love to think I can do what any man can and shooting guns was like that. I held the gun myself and was able to handle it well after being taught about each type and how to load and use it. Fishing and shooting for recreational use takes a certain type but I recommend trying it. You'll know quickly after trying once if it's for you. The strength in being able to do things even when you think they're not for you is therapeutic in nature, so give it a shot and let me know how it went! Until next time, remember, you are a fantastic person and are doing fantastic things! Good luck on your journey!


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